Monday, August 15, 2011

Where the sidewalk ends.

Listen to the MUSTN'TS child
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me-
ANYTHING can happen child
-Shel Silverstein

Chances are you've seen this poem somewhere before, and probably more than once. As a kid I believed this whole heartedly, and literally. If I wanted it bad enough, I could learn to fly, be a princess, or become an international pop star (despite my awful singing voice). As I got a little older I realized that no matter how badly I wanted it, I was simply not going to be able to sprout wings and fly away. I set my sights on more practical things such convincing my mom I was old enough to go to the mall without supervision, and planning my wedding to one of the Backstreet Boys.

Somewhere in middle school, around 7th grade I believe, I had a guidance councilor who rewarded students who earned high enough grades with something called a "goals group." We would get to skip one class a month to attend, and basically it was happy hour for middle schoolers. We'd order pizza and soda and talk about our current problems, goals, and plans. The groups were set up by gender so I spent them with about 5 other girls, and I remember feeling truly accepted for the first time of my young life. We all had the same worries about our bodies, boys and school for the most part.

That's where my interest in psychology started. From that point on I've pretty much been on the psychology track, with minor detours around interior design (hence the increasing number of design aspects in this blog) and small business ownership (I dreamed about owning a bookstore/coffee shop for a short while). Now it's time for me to figure out what comes next. The problem is is that college was sort of the end of my sidewalk. Now I'm sort of floating, and trying to decide which sidewalk is next. The exciting part is that anything can happen child, anything can be.

Are you on your dream sidewalk? Or on your way?


  1. I really hope I'm on my dream sidewalk. If not, I'm happy for the exciting detour. It is no fun to stay on the right path all the time.

  2. I'm on my dream sidewalk! I have my day job that is challenging and fulfilling. Then I have my all-the-other-times activity which includes blogging about fashion and music. (Unveiling to come shortly). Oh, and hanging out with boutique owners.

  3. I forgot to comment on this before. I was so happy to see Shel being quoted. I still own two of his books, refuse to throw them away. This is one of the greatest pieces in the books.

    I thought college was the end to what I needed, until I realized I can't do anything I want to do with Psych until I have that Dr. in front of my name. Here goes more schooling :/
