Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Today, I baked.

Did you know that it has been a week since my last post?! I did not realize it had been that long.
Since my last post I've taken a trip home, attended a breakfast for a good cause, did some shopping, and worked a whole lot. 

Today was my first day off in what felt like a really long time (It's really only been like 4 days...). I started the day off by making some more of that delicious granola from my last post, only this time I made the lower calorie version which substitutes applesauce for the oil. Now, normally I can't really tell the difference between "light" versions of foods and the full fat versions. This is not one of those times. The flavor of the granola is pretty good, but instead of crunchy bits of delicious you get larger clumps of chewy "okayness". I used it to top my breakfast yogurt and it was pretty tasty, but I won't be eating this by the handful like the last batch. 

After some early Christmas shopping and dinner with the boyfriend I came home and baked some more. I've been dying to make Pumpkin Scones and was super excited to finally have the time to try it out. I found a recipe from sparkrecipes.com. I had to make some substitutions due to the fact that I don't have an incredibly stocked pantry. I substituted the cloves with cinnamon, and had to replace 2 T of sugar with 3 packets of Stevia sweetener when I ran out of real sugar. 

I was a bit nervous since I've never made scones before, but they turned out fantastic! Leave it to me to bake scones the day I decide to start tracking my calories again. Well, here goes a lesson in self-disipline! 

{pumpkin shaped pumpkin scones}

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